Dear Friends,
Welcome to Thailand, and Thank you for visiting Bangkok!. We please to introduce to our school. Our school’s name is “ Tingly Thai cooking School” , and “Tingly” is the nickname of the school’s owner.
“Mr. Tingly ” has 6 years of experience in tour business and has learnt that. There are tourists from many countries loved and interested in Thai food And they would like to have wonderful experience how to cook their favorite food. Therefore Mr. Tingly decided to establish this Thai cooking school. His main concept is to convey and recognized Thai food and Thai cooking for people in every country and around the world.
And They can make Thai food when they thinking of Thai food while they are in their home.
Thai food is not only delicious but very healthy too.
Thai food has a small fat content and make used only the freshest ingredients. We used many Thai herbs not only in cooking but as medicines too.
At " Tingly Thai cooking school" we can teach you many of the tricks and secrets of preparing Thai food. We will also teach you various methods for properly storing Thai food. And as part of our course of instruction we visit many markets to learned about source of ingredients. We hope our knowledge on Thai ingredients and cooking techniques imparted in our Kitchen classes and in this cook book will make your feel in love with Thai food and enhance your cooking Thai food at home.
“Don’t miss it “
With love
TINGLY Thai cooking school